Earth Day is quickly approaching on April 22nd and the #Geeh family is always looking for ways to make celebrating important dates fun for our kiddos! We’ve compiled five ways your youngsters can take part in the Earth Day activities.
Plant anything
You don’t have to plant a tree to take part in Earth Day. Whether it’s in a pot, a park or right in your backyard, find a few seedlings to plant and watch them grow!
If you don’t already have a recycling station at your house, now is the perfect time to create one! Have your kids decorate the box with the word “RECYCLE” so everyone knows where to place the paper and plastic.
Create a bird feeder
Here’s a good one for our arts and crafts lovers. Create a bird feeder with a pine cone you find outside and a spoonful of peanut butter!
Press flowers
Have the family run around in your backyard or a local park collecting their favorite flowers, leaves and petals. When you get home, press them in a book and start a flower album.
Go to a park
Go discover a new park in your area and spend a day in the sunshine and fresh air. An appreciation of nature is just as important as recycling!